
Friday, September 4, 2020

20th Century II Essay II Technology II Social Studies

Introduction (Intro)
During the 20th Century when World War 1 (1914 - 1918) and World War 2 (1939 - 1945) happened a
lot of the technology that we created and used had evolved over time. Some of the biggest changes
in technology were inventions made for war in the 20th Century. Some of these included Tanks,
Bombs, and Submarines. The side of technology that evolved during that time period which wasn’t war
based included. Television, (With Color) Microwaves, Spacecrafts and lastly Internet. Some of these
have changed to where they are no longer complicated looking and are  easier to understand and use
for our own benefit. Some of these objects have evolved over the time of our daily lives and changed
it for the best or for the worst.

Most of the technological weapons that we use today started developing and improving themselves
in the 20th century during World War 1 & 2. Some of these weapons were Tanks, Submarines and guns.
Tanks were used by both sides of the war to shoot down enemies and buildings while also being
protected at the same time. Submarines were for underwater activities from out of eyesight, used to
strike down enemies on the sea from below them. Guns were used from behind the sandbags to
shoot across the field and shoot down incoming enemies. Most of these weapons are still used today
in the armies. One of them, the gun is used nowadays by not only the army but also the FBI and the
Police Force to help out and protect the citizens.

One of the most feared and said to be popular tanks in World War 2 was a tank made in 1942 by the
Germans. When a need for a new tank had become pressing when some of their men were trapped
in Stalingrad were in need of help.  The Panther tank  dealt devastating damage. One of Germany's top
Panther commanders was SS-Oberscharführer Ernst Barkmann. By the end of World war 2 he had
destroyed about 80 tanks with the Panther, truly showing how terrifying the tank itself is.

Panther tank - Wikipedia

The USS Greyback, so called because it had a grey back, was used by the US in WW2. The Greyback was sunk during a bombing attack by  a Japanese naval bomber in February 1944 along with 80 of the crew who lived on the ship. Seventy-five years later on June 5th,  2019 the wreck of the submarine was rediscovered within Japan’s seas

While the war was going on other things that didn’t involve warfare were also created. Going from Cars,
TVs, and Microwaves, something that we all use in the 21st Century. The first Affordable car released
for purchase in the 20th Century which started its production in 1908 and was released for people in
America in 1927 was the Ford Model T made by the Ford Motor Company and went for the price of
$850. (Which is equivalent to $12,340.56 in 2020).
While in 1950 the Microwave or Microwave Oven was created by accident when a self-taught American
engineer by the name of Percy Spencer noticed that the Microwave he was creating was melting the
chocolate in his pocket from the Active Radar coming from the Microwave. Till this very day we still
use Microwaves but nowadays they're less complicated and easier to use and to understand.
Conclusion (Sum Up)
Most of the weapons we use today can be linked to weapons that were used in the past. Most of these weapons are still used in 2020 in the armies and now as well in the Police Force so they can protect the citizens.
Many of the things we have created in the 20th Century have improved to become better and stronger over time. People who create cars have started making electric cars so we don’t pollute the air anymore, and Tv’s are no longer small and now give us a more vivid and bigger view to look at. But even though so many things have changed and evolved over time these products till this very day are still evolving and improving for the better or worse for the future.

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