
Monday, August 20, 2018

why must we show RESPECT?

Why do we show Respect? And why do we have to?

Respect, its... Well, its something you don't have to pay for, its something that everyone can have any time and day, its something that everyone should use, even adults.

We show Respect because its something that everyone over the world uses when you show Respect it can go a long way, it can make someone's day, it can even make your own day better with just a few words, words we don't think much of them, but what we say affects people more than we know because people put up strong faces when inside they feel like their droning in pain because of those words.

Your words mean more than they seem.

We have to show Respect, because its kind and nice, it makes others happy, and even you, showing Respect, you could say nice stuff to them or even hold the door open for them or give them a warm hug or welcome. You may even find that one person who will stick with you till the end because you were nice to them you showed them kindness and even if you did agree you came back and said sorry.

Fitness letter!

                                                                                                        8BH Student
                                                                                           Hornby High School
                                                                           Christchurch, New Zealand
                                                                                         180 Waterloo Rd

Mr T Mitchell
Year 7 Teacher/Dean
Hornby High School
Christchurch, New Zealand

Dear Mr Mitchell

This is Ruby from 8Bh. Even if I don’t really like fitness, I find it important to have fitness and this is why I am writing this email to you. It’s to tell you to keep fitness and how to make everyone else like it.

So far we do fitness each Monday, Tuesday (not year 8’s), Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, To me having fitness everyday will tire people out especially the year 7’s. Maybe you could only do Monday due to that being a start of a new week and Wednesday and Thursday. The reason why I didn’t stick Tuesday in is I think it’s a bit unfair that year 8’s don’t have to do it, but year 7’s do. Maybe you could give the year 7’s Tuesday off to so the year 7 & 8’s can do fitness together. Instead of year 7’s doing fitness alone on Tuesdays, and I also find it more fun with my friends from the year 7 classes. Some year 8 & 7’s might think the same to.

When it comes to the running around the court with the skipping and side stepping we could do that first since when I look at others they all seem to try and find a way to back out. Due to being too tired and breathless, if we did it at the start, I positively think then people will have the energy to do the rest of the fitness.

I also think that there should be some small little tiny fitness for the people sitting out due to there being to many each day. You could give them their own little circle, and another teacher does some little exercising with them instead of them sitting down and not exercising all the time while everyone else does. I think it’s important even for them to get fit. If they sit out all the time they never will.

Kind regards
Ruby from 8BH

If you have anything you want to add please send a email
Thank you

Friday, August 17, 2018


For Maths our task was to Create A DLO Digital. Learning. Project, and to work in a group of two, or by yourself. And I Choose to work with Tyra

what do I like about axolotls? I like how cute they are and how derpy they look 

Here is our DLO feel free to read For the student part for who will take care of the axolotl, I stuck that down so people can learn to take care of their pets!

Thursday, August 16, 2018


What did I do in science?
Well yesterday we made paper planes or as our science teacher called them Gilders
No Idea what the purpose was for making it but we made our gliders and went outside and there them like planes, some made changes to their glider to see if there was anything different... you could say there was... Sort of

Halfway near the end of school I started getting a bit too hot and started getting loppy which ended up with me saying "How does it feel knowing you've killed millions of people!" what I meant by that was, you would pretend people were in the paper plane and each time you crashed you killed innocent people...

Well apart from that it was fun

a couple couple days ago, more like 2 weeks ago or 1... we made parachutes fun right?
we had to make it which was a pain since it also involved string which got tangled with the other string, which made it hard for it to fly... kinda

But in the end, we all had fun!

Monday, August 6, 2018

acts of kindness - Blog Post

Today we had Cybersmart for Cybersmart we were something to read once we finished Reading it we had to make a blog post on the article and give our opinions about it.

-what I read-

My opinion
I like how the article showed how nice people can be towards others, even if the person that looked at the comment to them didn't know who it was that said the nice stuff about them
and how we need more people on this planet like that person

It's showing Benevolence which means showing Kindness to others
If you want you can look at some random acts of Kindness

Free writing

He saw it coming from around the corner but he still kept walking, he kept walking knowing what laid ahead for him but he was Allen Walker, he was a Noah a feared creature that the order was looking for, "Allen?" a small voice that walked beside the albino  "yes Road?" Allen said as he looked a the small Noah, "thank you for being here with us" she said "Your welcome Road... Now let us see out to the Order and get this mission done so we can go back home to the Earl shall we Road" the small girl nodded as the two walked out from around the corner

"Allen..." Face to face with Allen was an old friend of his named Lavi "Lavi" he said back to the redhead, "why did you have to join the Noahs, we could have found a way to stop your execution..." the Redhead said "I joined them knowing nothing would stop the Order, I joined the Noah because I was one of them, I joined them because I didn't want to put anyone in danger... and I joined them with my free will Lavi" Allen said knowing the Cheif was hearing this "everyone misses you tho Allen..."

"I'm Sorry Lavi... I'm sorry it had to be like this... but whats been done has been done and there is no going back for me now... I'm happy where I am right now and that's the only thing that matters right Lavi?
You said back then that what makes me happy makes you happy" the albino said as a tear slipped down his face "I remember..."

The two gave a glance before walking off "hn well that was awkward Road..."
"yes it is was... but we didn't finish our mission, we didn't even start to... ALLEN EARLS GOING TO BE SO MAD AT US WHAT DO WE DO"

Friday, August 3, 2018

reading Plus

For reading on Monday we stayed in class to miss out on fitness to go to a new site called Reading Plus, it is a site that helps you with your reading, we started on Monday and continued to use reading plus the next day and the next, Reading plus starts off with a little test before you can do the full thing,
when you finished your test there will be 3 tasks you can do
Flash/Scan (Eyesight tracking)
& Vocabulary

Each of these holds its fun in them, my favorite is mostly Flash and Scan even if it does hurt my eyes sometimes...

If you wont to try it feel free to