
Friday, August 18, 2023

Bird Courtshipping (Bio)

In Biology we've started learning about animal behaviours. One of the behaviours we are learning about is courtship behaviour. For this, I will be going over the King of Saxony's courtship behaviour as a bird of paradise. 

Courtship - is a behavioural feature in animals such as birds either dance, build or sing to attract a potential mate 

For these birds of paradise what females find attractive are their head feathers
So the longer the head feathers the more likely they are to find a mate and increase their reproductive success rate which in the end benefits them. These head feathers however have no other use other than being an ornament for attracting a mate. 

However, to even attract the attention of a female so she can get a good look at his head feathers, these males birds will perch themselves on a forest canopy in exploded leks and sing to attract the attention
of a female who could be a potential mate.  

Other than having these head feathers to find a mate, these feathers have no other benefits to these birds as they do not increase survival chances for the bird.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Health - Creating a hero

 Term 2 week 2 of health was diving into the Ethical approach, in doing so we were told to create a hero that represents a ethical approach for me and my friend's hero we did the ethical approach of Virtue.

The definition of an ethical approach is as follows: An Ethical Principle is a RULE or FOUNDATION that guides a person or group's thinking about ethical matters. Ethical principles get to the heart of people's attitudes, values and beliefs and therefore are a useful framework (That reflects the underlying concepts of HEE).

Our ethical approach of virtue is an ethical approach that focuses on attitudes or character traits that enable us to be and to act in ways that develop our human potential, it causes us to ask whether our actions are reflective of the kind of person we want to be.

Our hero demonstrates our ethical approach of virtue via the scales that help him to evaluate whats the best way to go about helping the woman who is being robbed

Friday, March 24, 2023

Potatools - Biology

In Biology were learning about human evolutions so how we started out as apes and involes into what we are now. The main thing we were learning out today was the tools that were made by our ancestors and how they were made and how they used them and what they were used for.

To learn about how they made the tools we decided to actually try making the tools like they would have back then, but instead of using rocks due to health and safety issues we used potatos and knives to shape our potatools. 

Below is a poster that was made showing our potatools and information about the potatools from that specific aera of time.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Biology - Human Evolution

 In Lvl 3 Biology, we are learning about human evolution from its old days millions of years ago to now. We've been given the task today to find an article about human evolution and put down what it was talking about and its key points.

For this, I used this article -->Lucy

This article goes over the first half-formed found body fossils of a past ancestor of ours. Lucy's bones were discovered in 1974, and the rest of what remaining fossils of her body were also dug up.
Lucy's Bones

This article about Lucy goes over the small things on how they knew she was a female, which species of ape she belonged to and if Lucy was the missing link to the ancestry between humans and apes. 

The scientists who discovered Lucy's fossils bones knew they belonged to one species of monkey alone and not another because her fossils fragments belonged to more than one individual. Then more fossil bones of probably the same body parts would have been found twice, this, however, was not the case. At the beginning of finding Lucy's bones, so it was hypothesized that she was a female due to her small size. And to the fact that living primates during Lucy's time had sexual dimorphism where the females were largely shorter than the males. Making it seem clear that the dug-up bones were that of a female instead of a male. Later down the line they figured out her height through her femur and learnt that she ended up being around 104 to 106 cm's in height.

Lucy would be considered half of a link, but not a missing link between apes and humans, she is more of an intermediate link between humans and apes, as there were other apes older in age way before her, so in conclusion she is only a small half of the bigger link towards humans and apes.