
Wednesday, December 5, 2018


EOTC IS OVER SADLY!!! (EOTC = Education outside the classroom)
From Tuesday to Thursday to the next week of Tuesday was all fun and drama.
and since its now Wednesday we were given questions and a blog post to write about our time at EOTC week.

What did you enjoy the most?
I enjoyed going to Adrenalin forest again to experience it all over again.

What did I not enjoy?
Getting a big sunburn on my left leg and 2 sunburns on my shoulders which leaves me in pain, and is still in pain.

My best memory?
Is spending time with my friends as we experience the fun together like, Archey, Fire building ETC from Omaka scout camp,

Having fun sleeping at Spencer park before releasing I got a sunburn

Having a wonderful (It was scary) time at adrenalin forest
On-course 3B! (It was terrifying I slipped)

                 But most of all spending it with the people I knew