
Monday, March 23, 2020

KorfBall II PE

Did you like Korfball?

I fairly enjoyed korfball, it, in my opinion, was fairly easy to understand and play so I didn't have any problems with it

Do you think you worked well with your teammates during Korfball

Did I work well with my team? I think I did well helping them out during the game, even if I didn't have to do much because most of the time the ball always reached the same people and the time I would get the ball and help out was when the ball came my way and no one in my team managed to reach it, but I'm pretty pleased with my helping during the game.

What could be better

I feel as though the teams could be a bit fairer as sometimes there's a team which just has a much larger advantage than the other team and it's pretty hard to play a game if the other team is always winning becuase of their high experince advantage.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Maths update II Maths II Flexagon

3 more weeks till the end of term 1, so much has been going on for me. I have an assignment in DTE on creating a animation and so much more to do in Science and English.
Science with its end of test topic review and English with keeping my work up to date.

But I guess having Math on a Friday is not bad if we get to do fun things like this all the time.
In Maths instead of doing actual math work we had some fun and made Flexagons.
With this, we were given a paper with a design on it, and instructions on another piece of paper on how to create the Flexagon.
But even with the instruction, everything was still so confusing???

That I had to get some help... It was worth it in the end because I managed to get them both done with a little bit of help from the teachers.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

YR10 Child Trafficking Research II Social Studies

A couple of days back In Social Studies we were given a research assignment, which we were given a slide to which we would pick what our research was about. The one I picked was Child Trafficking out of Child Labour and Child Soldiers. For this research we had to do the What, Who, When, Where, How and Why questions.

We also had to visit more than one site about the same topic because you can't just trust one site as one site may be out of date and the other site may be biased, so it was important for us to go to multiple sites to find our information.
It may have been a hassle but it helped me find out some interesting things that I didn't know that I could add to the slide above. But honestly the hard part was making it look pretty.

Why research is important

Monday, March 16, 2020

The Hunter Swoop II English

Top Left Corner - A Cold cloudly morning with frozen musky clouds lurking in the sky.
Top Right Corner - A single patch of sun glimmering over the frosty mountain tops.
Bottom Left Corner - A cold frozen morning with the silence of yesterdays snowstorm still appears very visible
Center -  The road ahead of me laid cold and lonely as the path ahead of me sought a new finalized destiny for me.

Top Left Corner - I saw a figure, he had been standing behind a dusky patch of trees watching me.
Top Right Corner - I could hear the sound of birds nearby me to my right, they sounded in panic
Bottom Left Corner -  I looked to my legs as I watched the water slowly rise up and past my legs, I was so close but so far.
Center - I could feel it, I could feel the open clear path ahead of me laugh at me as I slowly sank to my death.

- In the ER removing a conjoined twin
- Conjoined twins face is left behind as a souvenir
- remembering moments of childhood with conjoined twin with their pet dog rusty.

When the door slammed shut as the nurse left and I had just awoken it was the moment I had come to terms with the fact that I had a full body of my own and no one next to me to prester me about everything I do and say. This felt amazing, absolutely amazing. While I indeed did no longer have a sibling to bug me every day and sit by my side like it used to be, at least I still had our pet dog Rusty by my side.

Self Directed learning goal II English

Last week on one of my goals I had said I wanted to get to my expert licence in English. And I had managed to achieve that which I'm very pleased about.

 - This week I wanna Try and get a 2 or 3 learning Matrix's done
 - I also want to be able to do some work at home
 - And finally, go to sleep at time that won't leave me tired in the morning like 10:00

Monday, March 9, 2020

Self directed Learning goals II English

A new week means new goals to try to achieve.
The goals I want to achieve this week are the following.

(1) Doing my best to get my work done on time. So I can move onto a new task the next day.
(2) Getting onto the export license.
(3) Try to achieve a good sleep pattern for school so I won't be tired the next day.

Partner Picture Prompt - Stupid ideas II English

Find a partner, someone who you know you can work well with but not get distracted.
With your partner, write a story or a poem about this picture. Set a timer for 15 mins. You should finish your writing at the buzzer which means you'll need to work together.

Take turns. Write one sentence, then the next person writes one sentence and so on.


Why Hussian Khan used Indentured labour II Social Studies

Why Hussian Khan used  indentured labour?

Hussian Khan had used Indentured Labour so he could gain more money for himself and make the money economically. He did this by buying children that were forced into beings slaves and forced them to do his work so the work could get done faster and he could gain money faster. Hussian Khan has used the children's vulnerableness to his advances and overworked them day and night from sunrise to sunset. This means the children had no breaks during the day and had worked all day at the loom making carpets.
Taking this to his advantage he left the children Dirty and Malnourished and gave them no chance to clean themselves up or bandage their wounds from the looms that they worked at each day to make carpets for him. Just for him to sell them and make the children work even harder so he could gain more money from the carpets the children made. He got away with this for a little bit more after the rule for banning child labour became a thing. As he told people that he treated the children as his family and in return for their hard work he paid them.
(And taking it apart and making it smalled) Hussian Khan had used Indentured Labour so he could gain more money for himself.
Hussian Khan did this by buying children that were forced into being slaves due to debt and forced them to do his work so the work could get done fast and he could gain money faster.

Hussian Khan was a horrible man who never cared about any of the children's well beings and took the vulnerability of the children to his advantage.

Hussian Used this to his advantage by starving the children so they would work harder so they could get food, he also didn’t allow them to clean and disinfect their wounds from the looms they worked at each day while leaving them dirty and malnourished from the lack of food and water.

Hussian Khan had no care for the children that slaved for him. The only thing he cared about was the money he made out of it, though after the ban on child slavery had become a true thing, he managed to keep them in his hold for a while longer saying the children were like family to him and that he paid them for their hard work.

Meaning that Hussain Khan had used indentured labour for his own sick dream of becoming wealthy while using the children's disadvantages to his advantages so he could gain more and more money.

Athletics day II 2020 II Sports

Last week Thursday we had Athletics. The one day in life where sport only mattered and the only day where you can manage to lose your teacher and have a reason for losing them and not think up a random excuse as to why you couldn't find them.

Being me I'm not one entirely for sports as I no longer have the stamina and strength that I used to have when in Primary.
But I still overall enjoyed this year Athletics. and If I could I'd make every fortnight Thursday Athletics day.

What I liked about Athletics?
Well, I overall enjoyed everything about Thursday because it was nice and sunny and there were fun events to go through with, meaning that there wasn't a single moment on Thursday that I was bored, I enjoyed the events I had. I first had Long jump and I feel I did great on that. then we had sprints but I missed that because I couldn't find the spot I was meant to be at or the teacher I was with. and Lastly, I had discs. Not one for discs but I still enjoyed it.

Did I improve?
The only thing I feel that I really improved in was Long jump. Not really Discs as I still find it hard to hold the disc right without it falling from my hand, and sprints I don't know if I have or haven't as I missed sprints.

Pre-Test Scores
High Jump <90
Disc 3m
Long jump 3m
Shotput 3m

The thing I didn't really enjoy about Athletics is getting sunburnt on my knees and face and then realizing the week later we would be having our photos taken.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The lawyer paragraph - How Iqbal lost his humans rights and what he lost II Social Studies

Iqbal’s ability to have human rights were taken from him the day he was taken from his family and given to his first-ever master. Why this matters so much?
Human rights and the freedom it gives us are a valid part of our everyday lives.
Life for Iqbal wasn’t exactly perfect after he became a slave. Because as soon as he became one he had already gained his first master and lost all of his human rights that he had before becoming a slave. In the process of becoming a slave, he had lost the right to have education. He had also lost the right to have comfortable beds to sleep on and delicious foods to eat each night for dinner. And worst of all the right to see the people who gave birth to him and raised him.
Being a slave Iqbal had to work 10 hours a day doing the same thing each day, working at a loom and making carpets to his master's satisfaction.This is why human rights are the most important thing for a human to ever have and why Iqbal and all the other children going through the same thing as Iqbal should’ve of never had to have experienced such a horrible childhood at such a young age.

Inside A Bag II Writing Matrix II English

You open your eyes and realise that your mind is completely blank. You can't see anything and you are struggling to breathe, but you can hear city noises around you. That when you realise you're trapped inside a bag.

(1) What happened?

(2) How will you escape?

(3) Why can't you remember anything?

I open my eyes and I squirm around a bit, It's tight in here I don't have much space to move "Where am I" I muttered as I lifted my hands up to above me to feel around, I moved my hands as I felt something cold touch my fingers. I moved my fingers up and down slowly to get an idea of what I was touching, I moved my feet around as I came to a realization of where I was "I'm in a bag" I stuttered out in shock as I laid in the bag silently. and waited patiently for anything to happen. Most importantly I was waiting for someone to come and open the bag because of curiosity. For all, I know though they probably wouldn't want to open the bag because they'd think that there were body parts in here. I mean that's the least of the things you'd probably see in a bag but... I mean it could be worse.

I groaned out as in a signal to let people know that I'm alive and in need of help, I'm not sure but I think a few minutes have passed I don't know but I hear yelling in the distance, someone must be coming to save me. Finally!!!. But what if it's an officer... they'll ask me questions and I can't even remember what happened. Why am I even in this situation in the first place? All I can remember is walking down the street... I was going somewhere but where. Where was I going, my head it hurts a lot... I think someone had a grudge on me or something. But I don't remember making enemies with anyone... Is this what amnesia is like? If it is I can't bear to describe the pain my head and mind is going through right now. Just thinking about it is killing my head.

I stayed silent as I waited a few minutes for the people from before that were yelling to find me. Maybe I'm in an alleyway? Oh god, am I going to die in here... I crunched my eyes as I tried to relax my breathing and slow down my heart rate so I don't explode and die from an irregular heartbeat because I had no idea where I am, what happened or how I even got in this situation in the first place.

I tilted my head to the left to suddenly hear screaming. Oh my god why is someone screaming, what the heck is happening, I really need to get out of this bag, I just need to find a rip... Any rip is fine as long as I can get my fingers through it so I can rip the bag open... It's a cotton bag, it just like your everyday top so I should be able to rip it open to get out.

Oh Gawd the screamings so loud. Why in the world are they still screaming, what is happening to them to be screaming this much?
I looked around the dark bag as I tried to find a hole in it, I ran my fingers down the bag as my nail goes through something... A hole it's a hole. or well I can make a hole, thank you for my long nails, I turned to my side to face the whole as I put my 2 index fingers in the hole to rip it open. I gave a small excited laugh as the hole grew bigger. I then stuck all my fingers in the hole to finish the process, I gave a relieved sigh as I managed to rip the bag open. Ohhh but it hurts so much to move.

I gave an exhaled breath as I slowly crawled out of the bag and got onto my feet to open my eyes to see... a deserted desert all around me and big mountain... I looked up at the mountain as I slowly register that, that's where the screamings coming from... "Where the heck am I?"