
Monday, July 26, 2021


What did I do in the holidays?
I Slept... thats mostly it I slept the holidays away cause I had nothing better to do.


I did do something on the last week of the holidays, on the last week of the holidays I got a few new things to add to my room. I got a new mouse cause my other was dying and I needed a new one, this new one was a gaming mouse one with programable buttons which I feel makes my gaming much easier. A day later I got a nice desk for free, though the downside was that I had to clean the desk top to bottom, which I had no problem doing. the only real problem was getting it in through the door and to my room.

I think a day or 2 later I got a chair a office chair. I had borrowed mums chair from her cause the current chair I was using was giving me sore shoulders, so I used her chair in place of the other one till I got a new one, I got my new chair (Not really) from the eco shop. it was a office chair that was a nice blue colour, and like the desk I had to clean the chair down from top to bottom with soppy hot water the same as what I used for the desk to clean it.

In total I think it was worth it, I have a desk a chair and a new mouse that I really like. So I think the last week of the holidays went really well compared to the first week of the holidays where I did something stupid which led to me forgetting my passwords to one of my games and losing my account.... no worries though I can get it back soon near Christmas or before Christmas hopefully.

In the mean time I'll be playing the trial version of the game till further notice....