
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Act Four Scene 1,2 (English)

Act Four Scene One

1. What does the duke believe Shylock intends to do?
2. What does Shylock intend to do, and what reasons does he give for his decision?
3. Why must the law be allowed to stand (Why can't the judge dismiss this case)
4. Shylock is very clear about the restrictions in the wording of the deed, how does Portia use these loopholes?
5. What penalties does shylock now have to pay? are they fair why/why not.
6. How do Lorenzo and Jessica gain by the result?
7. What reward has Portia claimed and why is this significant?
8. Portia tells Shylock 'The quality of mercy is not strained'. How does she try to persuade Shylock to show mercy, how much mercy is she willing to show him (Line 345-362)

1. The duke believes that Shylock is playing a little chared of being cruel and by the time he's about to take Antonio's flesh he'll change his act and show Antonio mercy instead.

2. Shylock intends to get his bond with no shown mercy, the reason is that people may not like cats or bagpipes and that's exactly like Shylock and Antonio Shylock doesn't like Antonio.

3. Because if the duke lets anyone away with the deal, then anybody else can get away with a deal

4. Portia uses the loopholes of saying that Shylock can take a pound of flesh but he cannot let a leak of blood drip from Antonio, and if he does then all his belongings and lands will be taken from him.

5.  In reason, they are somewhat fair and somewhat not, the reason for fair is that Shylock has given money to people so they can get things for themselves and they never have the money to pay back so Antonio gives them money which makes Shylock mad as in what's the point of going to Shylock for money if the people can't pay him back and not fair to as Shylock wants the bond which could indeed kill Antonio.
6. Antonio said instead of him getting the money, by the time Shylock dies then half of his money will go to Jessica and Lorenzo.

7. The reward Portia gained is the ring she gave to her husband Bassanio, this is sufficient as to show how loyal and willing Bassanio is to keep the ring and not to give it up, which has been shown that Bassanio does not have the guts to keep the ring on his finger.

8. She tries persuades Shylock by saying a line that goes along the lines of this "Wait a minute, Jew. The law has another hold on you. The laws of Venice state that if a foreign resident directly or indirectly attempts to kill any citizen, the person he tried to kill will receive one-half of the foreigner's goods. The other half goes to the state. Whether the offending person lives or dies is up to the duke."

 Act Four Scene Two

1. What invitation does Portia Refuse?
2. What does Nerissa plan to get, why do you think this is important?
3. Do you admire Portia after these scenes, or do you find her actions cruel? Use examples to support your thinking.
1. Portia refuses the invitation to go to dinner with Bassanio because then he'd find out that Portia was disguised as a man because their husbands think their back at home.

2. Nerissa plant to get the ring from her husband and why is this important, it's important to see if her husband is as loyal to her as he said he'd be.

3. Yes I admire Portia because one can not be found guilty for testing their man's loyalty to them just like a man to could do that to test their wife loyalty, I find it a rather great idea to give your husband a ring and tell him that he can never take it off, lose it or sell it to see if the man is truly loyal to you.
But then no as a bit of pressure was stuck on Bassanio on giving the ring away by Antonio and Portia.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Carrot cake cupcake (Food)

Last we for Cooking we made Carrot cake cupcakes.
The ingredients for this is...
- The key ingredient - Carrot

- Sugar (White)
- Flour
- Salt
- Carrot
- Cinnamon
- Baking soda
- Baking powder
- oil
- Egg

Overall the texture of the end result looked good, it looked a bit smooth
The smell was soft but strong
The taste of it overall was really good, I'm not a fan of carrot but having it in a cupcake made it a lot better. The tase was very exceeding that you couldn't taste the carrot but that was the important part as the carrot was the secret ingredient.

I overall enjoyed the making of this and would defiantly make it again.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Astronomy & Astrology differences (Science)

It's almost the end of the term which means the end of the school year... till next year, we have 2 weeks left, and during this time were doing Astronomy for our science topic. One of our pages in the scipad Page 228 is called Astronomy and Astrology which talks about the difference between the two.

So I'm going to bring that page to you but in my own words.

While Astronomy and Astrology may sound similar to each other in words and sound meaning, they both are very different topics.
Astrology is what most scientists would call a Pseudoscience (Pseudoscience meaning False or Fraudulent or rather false science) And while is a real science as it deals with facts and evidence.

Astrology is a system of predicting the future, but this lacks any evidence that it really works.

An Astrologer also believes that the positions of the planets and stars at the moment of a person birth has an effect on their personality and some of the major events that happen to them.

While they believe that

Astronomy is based on the laws of physics and aims to describe what is happening to our universe based on what they see.

The differences are very well known, Astrology is about the constellations or the zodiac signs and how people believe that they change a person attitude and how their life works, while Astronomy is based about our stars and our planets that live in the milk way.

Astrology is known as a false science.
Astronomy is known as a real science as it uses the laws of physics and mathematics to find out what they need to know.

Term 4 Research assignment (Social studies)


I learnt that were horrible people because were killing trees to make buildings when we could use other materials. Were also horrible because those trees help us, they give us air that we can consume to being with.

I even learnt that our rainforests only cover 6% of our worlds surface. That's not a lot when you think about it, and when you stop and think about the recent fire disasters, that's just getting that 6% down to 5 or 4% leaving us soon with barely any trees left that could harbour us the air we need.

I also found out that most deforestation isn't caused by disasters but by humans ourselves because we use them to build buildings and to make a single piece of paper when we could find any other material to make buildings and we could also use scrapped paper to make new paper instead of cutting down more trees.

By learning this I also learnt that if we don't stop this and plant more trees then 100 years from now the new generation will have to suffer with the loss of trees and fresh air. Because we were too stubborn to plant trees.
There are so many things we could do to resolve this problem but we don't we just stick around and wait out as the years go by and our trees are slowly dying and getting cut down by people or fires.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Act Three Scene 1,2,3,4,5

Act Three Scene one

1. Why does Shylock Assume Solanio and Salerio know of Jessica's flight?
2. What is the second suggestion of misfortune for Antonio- find a quote.
3. Who had been looking for Lorenzo and Jessica, how do we know.
4. Where do Shylock and Tubal arrange to meet and with what purpose?

1. Because their friends of Lorenzo

2. The second suggestion of misfortune for Antonio is that he lost his ships - quote: What are you saying? Well, the point is, he's lost a ship.

3. Shylock because Lorenzo has Jessica's daughter who has his jewels and ducats

4. Shylock and Tubal meet up at the Cynical a church for jews. where they meet up to talk about a way to find Jessica


Act Three Scene Two

1. Why does Portia want Bassanio to delay his choice?
2. What makes Bassanio choose lead over the silver and gold caskets?, find the quotes in the text to support your thinking.
3. What does Portia's speech A3S2 L166-174 reveal about the expected roles of a woman in marriage
4. What did Gratiano's and Nerissa's wish to marry depend on?
5. How does Portia know that the letter contains bad news?
6. What help does Portia offer straightaway?
7. Why do we not expect this help to be successful?
8. Do you think Portia would still be in love with Bassanio if she knew he had lied about his wealth?

1. She wants Bassanio to delay his choice as Portia doesn't want to lose the chance to marry Bassanio or lose his company

2. Bassanio doesn't want anything to do with the gold as there is a tale of a man named Midas who wished that everything he touches turns to gold not knowing it would kill the ones he cared most about, he didn't touch Silver because it was the same metal that common coins were made of.
(Quote - Nowadays, everyone's fooled by appearances. So I'll have nothing to do with the gaudy gold box--IT's like the gold that Midas couldn't eat. And I'll have nothing to do with the pale silver either, the metal that common coins are made of.)

3. That once their married everything that belonged to them like money and servants now belonged to the husband that they married. And to get anything or use anything they would have to ask.

4. Portia and Bassanio had to get married first

5. Because Bassanio's face lost the colour from his checks indicating to Portia that something bad must have happened.

6. She offers to pay off Antonio's debt by paying double the amount that was needed

7. Because Shylock wanted his pound of flesh

8. Portia liked Bassanio even before she knew he didn't have the money

Act Three Scene three

1. Antonio is now convinced that he knows the reason for shylock's insistence on claiming his bond. What is it, use quotes from the text to support your answer
2. Why can the Duke not 'deny the course of law' according to Antonio?
3. What does Antonio seem resigned to his fate? What two important realisations is this based on? Use lines 8, 21-24, 26-31 to help you
4. Do you think Antonio's feelings towards Bassanio have changed since the beginning, why?
5. Shylock refuses to consider the idea of Mercy but demands justice. Consider the following ideas:
  • Is mercy the same as forgiveness
  • Is it easier to show mercy or look for revenge?
  • Is justice the same as fairness?
  • Is true justice possible in this case?    

1. Antonio knows the reason why because he'd given money to people that owed Shylock so they could pay Shylock off (Quote - Leave him alone. I won't follow him around with useless pleas anymore. He wants me dead. I know the real reason. I've often given money to people who were unable to pay back their loans to him. That's why he hates me)

2. The Duke cannot deny the law because if he did then that would be threatening the security of all foreign merchants in Venice, and thats how the city made it's money

3. Antonio realizes his fate due to the two things he's done and said.
1. He's called Shylock a Dog and Shylock obviously didn't like that as he called Shylock a dog before he had any reason two.
2. The second one is that Antonio gave money to people that owed Shylock so the people could pay back Shylock as to what they owed him.

4. Not really, as even though Antonio's life is on the line due to Bassanio asking for money to marry Portia, Antonio doesn't care and the only thing he wants from Bassanio is for him to be there at his death.

5. Mercy can be known to be the same as forgiveness. Due to the fact that you had forgiven them for what they did to you or someone else you know by giving them the mercy of forgetting what they did and putting it behind you. (Also known as you not killing them for what they did)

Act Three Scene Four

1. What is Lorenzo's opinion of Antonio?
2. What does Portia tell Lorenzo she intends to do?
3. What does she ask Lorenzo and Jessica to do for her and why?
4. Why does Portia think Antonio and Bassanio must be alike?
5. Why do Portia and Nerissa intend to travel dressed as men?
6. In A3S4 L 60-78, how does Portia describe the behaviour and attitudes of young men?
7. Does it seem likely that Portia is going to follow the expected behaviour of a wife?

1. Lorenzo thinks of Antonio as a faithful man who cares a lot about Bassanio and would likely do anything to help out Bassanio.
2. She tells Lorenzo that she'll give him and Jessica the master rights of the house whiles she's gone to save Antonio.

3. She asks of the two to take the place of her and Bassanio as the masters of the house till the resolve the problem and get back with Bassanio.

4. She thinks Bassanio and Antonio must be alike due to a line she says saying - "I've never regretted doing good, and I don't now. Friends who spend a lot of time together and really care equally for each other must have many traits in common. Since Antonio's my husband's best friend, they must be very similar men. In that case, the money I've sent is a small price to pay to rescue someone who resembles my Bassanio, who's like my own soul."

5. Back then women were not allowed in courts. So the only way for Nerissa and Portia to save Antonio is to go dressed as men so they can enter the court to save him from the bond. Also so they won't be recognised by anybody

6. Portia describes the behaviour of young men as immature teenagers who haven't yet reached puberty and have only really care about women and style and showing off about what they can manage to do to impress others.

7. Yes and No, Yes for Towards Bassanio and some of his friends as Portia cares a lot about Bassanio and is willing to give a big amount of money to save one of his friends and No towards some other people as she has a bit of a feisty attitude towards some people but overall means well towards them and that she also has the mind and strength of her own to go out of the house dressed as a man into a court where women are not allowed.

Act Three Scene Five

1. In his jokey conversation with Jessica, why is Launcelot against the conversation of Jews to Christianity?
2. What is Jessica's opinion of Portia?

1. Because if there is more Christianity then the pork price would rise.

2. Jessica says Portia is like a blessing and that if he doesn't enjoy having Porta on eath then he doesn't deserve her in heaven and that if two gods made a bet and one used Portia as their stake then the other god would have a hard time coming up with a better woman who could beat Portia.

Self learning goals (English)

Well, last weeks went okay I guess despite moving down one level on our choices. so basically we have like Ranks like Learners is the bottom one and Expert is the top. I've been at expert for half of the whole year but went down one due to not having what I needed up. But I really don't mind, this week I hope to get the work I needed up done and on my blog.

Friday, November 22, 2019

ACT 2 Scene 6,7,8,9

Act Two Scene Six

1. How does Launcelot manage to tell Jessica that Lorenzo will be there that evening?
2. What does Jessica throw down to Lorenzo?
3. Why is Antonio looking for Gratiano?
1. Lorenzo got a note from Launcelot which gave him the time and place to be.

2. Jessica throws down a casket/box

3.  Antonio was looking for Gratiano to tell him that there was no masquerade & due to the wind blowing right Bassanio is going aboard on the ship to set sail.
Act Two Scene Seven

1. Which Casket does the Prince of Morocco think is worthy to contain Portia's portrait. Use evidence of the text to justify your answer.
2. How is Portia feeling in A2S7 -at the beginning, -while the prince is making his choice, at the end
3. What was Portia's father trying to achieve by the use of the caskets? Does this seem to be working?
1. Prince Morocco thinks the gold one is worthy to have Portia's portrait. "He who chooses me will get what many men want.” That’s Portia! The whole world wants her. They come from the four corners of the earth to kiss this shrine and see this living, breathing saint. Princes travel across deserts and the vast wilderness of Arabia to come see the beautiful Portia. The wide ocean doesn’t prevent them from coming to see her—they travel across it as if it were a little stream." Morocco thinks Portia's photo would be in the Gold casket because Morocco thinks it would be a sin for her photo to be in a poor man's box full of lead, as to where he is wrong as it is in the lead.
2. Portia is feeling rather annoyed at the start as she doesn't want to marry the prince also because she has no choice but to marry him if he gets it right, and she's feeling relieved at the end that he got it wrong because she doesn't have to marry him, and he loses everything because of a single mistake

3. To see who is worthy of Portia, and is not really working as Portia doesn't like any of the men and his kind of annoyed
Act Two Scene Eight

1. What double disaster had struck Shylock?
2. Where did Shylock think Lorenzo and Jessica might be
3. How did Bassanio and Antonio part?
4. What is the first suggestion of trouble for Antonio? Find a quote that tells you this.
1. First Disaster is that his daughter ran away with a Christian, the second disaster is that she ran away with his ducats and jewels

2. Shylock thought that Lorenzo and his daughter was on Bassanios ship as he got a judge to search his ship but were too late as the ship had already set sailed. as then when they got there the duke learned that Lorenzo and his lover Jessica were together in gondola

3. They parted on a boat???

4. That a ship in Venetian has sunk while Salario hopes and prays that it's not one of Antonios ships
Act Two Scene Nine

1. What is the purpose of the rhymes in the caskets
2. Why does the prince of Arragon discard the golden caskets? What does his interpretation of the inscription tell us about this character?
3. What is Portia's reaction to Bassanio's arrival?
1. To make fun of the suitors

2. because he doesn't want to be like the people who only look at people on the outside and not the inside so he discarded it so he wouldn't be involved in the crude population. This tells us that he looks for personality and not just their beauty

3.  She doesn't want to know because she thinks that its one of Nerissa relatives.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Spring rolls (Food)

Last week for our practical we made Spring rolls with rice crackers???
First, we had to gather our ingredients and then a bowl and fill it up with water, then we set the Rice cracker in the bowl and waited for 1 minute for it to soak before taking it out and making our roll.

When you tried folding the roll with the food it felt kinda weird...
and once it dried up it felt like skin
But the oddest thing was trying it when you bite down on it, it feels like your eating a thin piece of fish skin.

The texture though looked good, like a little see/through present
The smell, I couldn't really smell it at the time... sadly.
Though the making of the food was super easy to make, which made life a lot easier.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Learning goal (English)

Well didn't get much down in English last week expect for comprehension boxes since we had tests for the whole week, meaning no Shakespeare sadly, but we do have it to this week so I'm glad

This time I hope to get my work done on time as usual so when I read my line I won't have to worry about lacking behind on acts and scenes.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Case Study: Rotorua Lake (Social studies)

Comprehension box (English)

The adventure of the tin soldier

1. How did the amount of tin that the toymaker had left affect the tin soldier? He was constructed with only one leg.
2. Which sentence includes both similarities and differences between the tin soldier and the paper dancer? The soldier decided that the dancer who also stood on one leg and, unlike him, lived in a castle, was destined to be his wife
3. Immediately after the soldier went under the bridge, he Was Pursued by the rat.
4. You can conclude the boy like the soldier in the beginning because he Looked diligently for him
5. What would the water rat most probably have done with the tin soldier Attacked him
6. It can be 9inferred that because the cook is jolly and rotund she Enjoys her own cooking
7. the pronoun it in paragraph 3 refers to the Boat
8. It is a fact, not an opinion, that fire can Melt come metals
9. The boy most probably threw the tin soldier into the fire because The toy was faded
10. How could the soldier's attitude during his adventures best be summarised Strong and steady
11. The main idea of the fairytale is that: Love endures forever
12. The fairytale is often called the constant tin soldier or the steadfast tin soldier. The words constant and steadfast are: Pronouns
13. What is the writer's purpose for using the old-fashioned word beloved in both paragraph 6 and 7? To relate the depth of the toys' feelings for each other
14. The writer who retold this Hans Christian Andersen fairytale wanted to: Relate a lesser-known fairytale with a sad ending.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Comprehension box (English)

Life's a scream with Zinbah

1. The word custodian in paragraph 1 means someone who: Is responsible for the care of something or someone
2. The cracks Zinbah saw on the librarian's face were probably: Wrinkles
3. The main idea of paragraph 4 is that Zinbah though the lady: Had eaten a baby
4. What happened before Zinbah told the librarian she had a cracked face?: Michael used the photocopier
5. Michael and Zinbah are alike because they are both: Living on earth
6. The next time Michael goes to the library to do research, he is most likely to: Go Without Zinbah
7. You can conclude Zinbah would be scared of thunder because: He is scared by many things
8. The main idea of paragraph 1 is How Michael came to care for Zinbah
9. Which of these words best summaries Michaels character?: Patient
10. What caused Zinbah to stare at the pregnant lady?: Confusion and curiosity
11. Which sentence contains a fact and an opinion?: Zinbah's Spacecraft came to earth in a meteor storm
12. From whose viewpoint is this text written?: Michaels's
13. Initially, Zinbah thought the sewage plant was: A person
14. The pronoun it in paragraph 1 refers to: Zinbah's spaceship

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Smoothies (Food)

Last week Thursday was our practical, the day where we enter the kitchen and make food. While last week we made Smoothies or rather Fruit shakes.
We were all put into groups of what our Smoothies would be, one was a dairy-free Smoothie, another one was a strawberry Smoothie, a Banna Smoothies & my group a rainbow Smoothie, And each group had a named their Smoothies after what they were making. Our group's name was Rainbow Blend.

And after each group made their Smoothies we went and tested them all. Though I couldn't really drink them due to my gag reflex when it comes to some foods. But even though I couldn't drink it we still got some good feedback from the other students and from the teachers.

(Feedback from teachers)
-  Love I can taste the blueberries
- Would be really yum cold!
- Amazing! loved how sweet it was without any Sugar/Honey, Lots of different fruit that worked well together!!
- Darn that's good <-- (Nice feedback)
- Amazing absolutely delicious.

In the end, I'm pleased with the feedback we got from the teachers because in the end even though I couldn't drink it, I felt like I made a big achievement.
And next Practical I hope to be able to eat or drink what we make so I can give feedback of my own

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Comprehension Box - Coral 2 (English) - PART 2

Sleepless Sleepover PT2

9. You can conclude at the end of the story the writer:
(a) Wasn't so sure anymore if there was a ghost or not
(b) Was convinced that there were ghosts
(c) Still didn't believe in ghosts.

Answer -  A

10. Which answer best summarises Grace?
(a) A girl who loves cats
(b) A typical girl
(c) A fruitcake

Answer - C

11. It's a fact, not an opinion, that the two girls:
(a)  Saw a scary ghost in Grace's room
(b) Hid under the covers
(c) Were extremely scared

Answer - B

12. Which emotion caused the writer to avoid more sleepovers at Grace's house?
(a) Anticipation
(b) Optimim
(c) Fear

Answer - C

13. The writer thinks the cat items in Grace's house are:
(a) Nice
(b) Unappealing
(c) Revolting

Answer - C

14. The pronoun us in paragraph 10 refers to:
(a) Grace and the ghost
(b) Grace and the writer
(c) The writer and the ghost

Answer -B

Comprehension Box - Coral 2 (English) - PART 1

Sleepless Sleepover

1. In Paragraph 3, the item collected for use in a hobby or activity is called:
(a) Photo's
(b) Paintings
(c) Paraphernalia

Answer - C

2. When your conscious mind is having a well-earned rest, you are:
(a) Not awake
(b) Not dreaming
(c) Seeing things

Answer - A

3. What was the reason Grace's cat was called Charky?
(a) The colour of its fur
(b) The colour of its eyes
(c) It's personality

Answer - A

4. The writer's previous belief about ghosts is the main idea of:
(a) Paragraph 11.
(b) Paragraph 1
(c) Paragraph 8

Answer - B

5. Which event happened first?
(a) The writer jumped out of her bed
(b) Grace dived under the covers
(c) The yellow eyes blinked

Answer - C

6. Grace was different from the writer because she:
(a) Liked cats and cat images
(b) Was scared of ghosts
(c) Enjoyed junk food.

Answer - C

7. How did the writer probably feel like the day after the sleepover
(a) Happy
(b) Horrified
(c) Tired
Answer - B

8. The next time the writer goes to a sleepover, she will probably:
(a) See a ghost
(b) Sleep with the light on
(c) Take a teddy bear

Answer - B

Friday, November 1, 2019

Plastic (Social studies)

In Social studies we've been learning about Sustainability and whats its effects are on us and the earth. For this, we had to make either a speech or pamphlet, I picked Pamphlet and decided to do it on Piktochart


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Act 2 Scene 2,3,4,5 Shakespeare (English)

Act Two scene Two

1. Why does Launcelot want to leave Shylock? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking.
2. Why is Bassanio worried about taking Gratiano with him to Belmont?
3.  Launcelot and his father are very anxious to find Launcelot a new job. They both want to impress Bassanio. This leads to a. frequent interruptions.
b. Contradictions
c. Misuse of words to impress
Find  examples of each of these in the text

1. Because Shylock treats Launcelot like mere filth and that if you poked Launcelot you could feel his ribs

2. Because Gratiano has a history of always getting drunk, and that would embarrass Bassanio if Gratiano did that in Belmont where Portia was

  b. An example of Contradictions is a line saying this
GOBBO - This is my son, sir, He's a poor boy-
LAUNCELOT - Not a poor boy, but the rich jew's servant, who wants, as my father will explain
GOBBO - He wants very much sir, as one might say, to work for-
LAUNCELOT - To put briefly, I work for the Jew, and I want, as my father will tell you-

c. Do you know the old proverb "The grace of God is enough," sir? It could be divided between you and my boss Shylock--you have "The grace of God," and he has "Enough"

Act Two Scene Three

1. What does Jessica think of her life at home? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking.
2. Which of Bassanio's friends is Jessica planning to marry?


1. Jessica's home life isn't that great due to her father being Shylock and by the way, he treated Launcelot, I don't think she was really given any love as shown by a text saying "I'm sorry you're leaving my father like this. It's hell in our house, and you helped cheer it up, like a f

m sorry you’re leaving my father like this. It’s hell in our house, and you helped cheer it up, like a funny devil. But goodbye.

2. Jessica's planning to marry Lerzenso a friend of Bassanio's

Act Two Scene Four

1. How does Jessica get a message to her lover?
2. How will she be disguised for the elopement?
1. Jessica has given a note to Launcelot to which Launcelot gave the note to Lorenzo

2. Jessica will be disguised as a man who goes around doing jobs.
Act Two Scene Five

1. Why is Shylock uneasy about going out for the evening? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking.
1. Shylock is uneasy about going out because he dreamt of money bags the night before as said here "Things aren't going my way right now. I know because I dreamed of money bags last night." For which in his case money bags could mean a bad thing. And another quote which results with this question where Lerzeons says something about the Christians plotting something "And they have conspired together" Which means plotting something, but not in a good way.

Banana Muffins / Muffin makeover (Cooking)

In cooking last week we made Banana Muffins that you would find at the cafe but we made it a bit differently, the original amount of muffins that they made were 6 instead my group managed to make 9, They looked really good by the end, but I couldn't eat it because it had a banana in it.

But instead of wasting it I gave my muffin to my form teacher. And the other Muffin went to another teacher.
This is the result we got from them.

-Mosit and Smooth
-Good ratio of choc to banana
- Nice texture & taste with wholemeal flour -

-Great size!
-Made the teachers happy
-No improvements, but boys wanted more.

Overall I think we got a good response from the 4 teachers (They had 2 muffins but spilt them in half so, in the end, 4 people had a slice of the muffin)

The appearance of the muffin looked okay, to my point the chocolate chips in the muffin made it look a bit better.

The teamwork was really good, I enjoyed the culmination and teamwork between my group, which made it easier to get stuff done and get the muffins in the oven to cook.

The original recipe had white flour
For our flour, we used Wholemeal flour and some white flour, this gave you more Fiber

For oil the original had butter
But we used Canola oil to make it healthier and less cholesterol

For sugar, we reduced the amount that it had on the sheet

In the original muffin Baking soda was used.
For us, we used Baking powder to make the flavour taste a bit better

For milk, we used whole Milk (Dark blue top) - For low-fat unsweetened yoghurt.
And we used fewer Chocolate Chips.

The original muffin was the texas muffin that you would find in a cafe

Friday, October 25, 2019

Shakespeare Can Do Task (English)

Vocabulary - Find the meanings of the following words: Venture, Vessel, Signior, Mortifying, Profound, Exhortation, Virtuous and Squandered

Venture - A risky or daring journey or undertaking (Course of action)
Vessel - A ship or a large boat
Signior - Somone a man of rank or gentility would use as a title equivalent to Mr
Mortifying - Causing yourself or someone great embarrassment or shame
Profound - Showing a great understanding of something
Exhortation - An address or communication emphatically urging someone to do something
Virtuous -  Having or showing high moral standards (Basically being all mighty)
Squandered - Waste (Something, especially money or time) in a reckless or foolish manner

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Introducing Shakespeare (English) ACT 1 SCENE 1,2,3,


1. Back in Shakespeare time, People had to stand during a play as there were no chairs to sit on.
2. There were drunk and sober people watching
3. Women were not allowed to act on stage as back then it wasn't found appropriate. 
4. Props were included as well as costumes.
5. Didn't really have makeup, except for the men who had to play as women.
6. To get in to watch the play they needed to pay a penny which back then was worthwhile for a skilled worker.
7. If you paid 1 penny you were allowed in to watch but had to stand. If you paid 2 penny's you were given a seat to sit on and a roof and if you paid 3 pennies then you were given a seat in an enclosed 
8. Shakespeare plays are breaking up into ACTS and SCENES. 
9. Antonio Borrows money from Shylock who says that he won't do an interest but instead if Antonio doesn't payback for the money he borrowed in the right time then Antonio would have a pound of flesh cut out from him.

Antonio - Merchant, Christian, Lends Bassanio money he has borrowed from Shylock.
Bassanio - Wants to Mary Portia
Portia - Rich, Dresses up as a man to save Antonio
Shylock - Jew, Moneylender, Lends money to Antonio for Bassanio to marry Portia.
Gratiano - Bassanio man, Marries Nerissa
Nerissa - Portia's Maid

Act One, Scene One:

1. Antonio is depressed without knowing why. What two possible reasons do his friend suggest?
2. Do you think Gratiano's contributions help Antonio's mood?
3. What are your first impressions of Bassanio?
4. Is he in love?
5. Why does he need to borrow money again now
1. His friends suggest that he may be depressed because all his money is at sea and he has no idea what has happened to ship with his money. They also suggest that he may be in love.

2. I would say yes and no, No because he was told to stop being a grumpy man and that it's not good for your health and yes because Gratiano was trying his best to cheer up his sad friend.

3. (Well Our English teacher picked a couple of students to read the lines of the character, I read Bassanio... this is my impression of him) A man who is not rich but yearns for a beautiful lady named Portia, so he goes to Antonio who he asks for money. My imPression on that is someone who is poor but whishes for money so he could get what he wants.

4. Is Bassanio in love? - Yes because he's head over heels for a woman named Portia's Reason of proof is that Bassanio says a line which relates to a piece of cloth which can bring back the dead, the line he said was "And her sunny locks hang on her temple like a golden fleece"

5. Bassanio needs to borrow money from Antonio So he can win over Portia and marry her
Act One, Scene Two

1. How do Portia's First words compare with Antonio's
2. What is the reason for her mood?
3. Do you think Nerissa is a help to her
4. Sum up, in a word or a short phrase, Portia's Attitude to her suitors so far

1. Portia's compares with Antonio's first words with mood, Both sentences gives off the same feeling, a person who is in need of help or freedom. Antonio's words are about how he is sad (Unknown why he is sad) and Portia is in a sad and mad state as she has to deal with all the suitors who are trying to marry her.

2. Portia is in a mad state as she is forced to marry a man who her father picks for her with no choice but to obey and say yes.

3. Well with the deal with the husband problem she can't really do much as she's a maid and guessing back then since women were not allowed to act or go to court, then I'm guessing maids were very limited on what they could do or say. So Nerissa wouldn't be much of help towards the husband problem. But on a

4. If I could describe one word for how Portia's attitude is towards her suitors I would say unamused
Because she knows every word to say right on the spot to insult her suitors and she's gotten sick of them.
Act One Scene Three

1. Shylock is a moneylender. Does he seem eager to do Business with Bassanio? How do you know?
2. Which does Shylock think is safe, His business or Antonio's? Why?
3. Why doesn't Shylock want to dine with Bassanio and Antonio?
4. What strict principal of his is Antonio breaking to help Bassanio
5. Shylock tells a bible story to prove that the taking of profit is blessed, as long as thieving is not involved. Does he convince Antonio? Given Evidence.
6. Shylock accuses Antonio of a whole catalogue of nastiness. How does Antonio Answer the charges?
7. How does Bassanio react to the proposed bond?
1. No, Becuase Shylock is certain that he won't get any money back as Antonio's investments are uncertain right now and anything could happen to them

2. His business becuase Antonio's has nothing to do with him, and Antonio's money is on ships which so far have not been heard from

3. Because Jews don't eat pork and the jews believe that pork its self is the devil.

4. To never lend or borrow money with interest

5.  No, he didn't convince Antonio as Antonio gave this answer from the story he was told "That Business Venture you're referring to happened... Because God made it happen like that, Jacob didn't have any control over what happened?" Meaning a reference as Shylock is saying that it was just luck that helped Jacob.

6.  He admits and Says he will do it again.

7. Bassiano disagrees with Antonios answer as he doesn't want his friend risking his life over money

Friday, September 27, 2019

Science post #4 (Biological drawing rules)

In science, there are specific rules as to how to draw something and how it should be drawn, and how it should not be drawn, I will give you these few rules that I've learned on how to make a science drawing perfect.

What to do
1.When you are drawing a scientific drawing, its bets to take up the whole page and not just half of it.
2. Make sure that your drawings are fully connected, like when you draw a circle there is always that one line that's in the circle. That can't be there it had to be a full round circle.
3. Don't add details only add the important things, the details don't matter.
4. Make sure your labels are connected to what you are labelling.
5. Make sure you give your project the right name, if it's a cell name the cells name, don't call a cell a bug.
6. Give the right magnification, if it's 10x 40 then you don't stick 10x 40 you stick what it equals so if it was 10x 40 it would be 400 magnification 

What not to do
1. Don't use only half of the page
2. Make sure labels are not crossing over each other
3. Do not doddle on your work.
4. if your drawing has a mouth in it don't draw around the mouth, give the mouth and opening.
5. Don't add detail, only add the important things
6. give the right name for the title.

and here are a few others

Draw what you see and not what you expect to see
Use a pencil not a pen (You can't erase mistakes with a pen)

Science post #3 (how to set up a onion skin slide)

On the 3rd to last day of the term, we used the microscopes but instead of having everything ready for us. We had to make the cell ourself, we were given a piece of onion a slide to pick the onion on and a small clear pice to stick on the onion piece and we were also given Iodine.

Step 1 - First, you had to get the piece of onion and grab the end and pull a thin piece of the option, then you need to lay it on the clear Slide.

Step 2 - For step 2 you need to grab the iodine and stick a small drop of iodine on the onion

step 3 - put the small clear piece of glass on top of the iodine and onion that lays on the slide

CONGRATS YOU CREATED YOUR FIRST SLIDE, the slide is clear rectangle thing, its made of glass so don't break it.
But then we have to set it up on the microscope.

to set it up I'll take you step through step

Step 1  - Set up the microscope, make sure to hold the microscope by the neck and base (Go to blog post #2 to see the parts of the microscope)

Step 2  - once you've set up the microscope grab your slide and gently place it on the base of the microscope

Step 3 - move the 2 clips on the side of the base where you slide is and move them onto to the slide so your slide doesn't move around while you're looking at your cell.

Step 4 - Look into the eyepiece to see the cells and what you made with onion, iodine and a slide.

In the eyepiece the onion will be a light shade, that is so you can see the cells within the onion.

Science post #2 (Parts of the microscope)

In science since we were learning about cells, we needed to use microscopes to look at the cells within the thing we were looking at.
In this blog post, I will tell you the parts and the functions of it.

Eyepiece - The eyePiece is what you look through to see the cell
Neck The neck is the bone structure of the eyepiece
Objective lens - is for different magnifications on how close or far you are from the cell (Yellow is M range it is 10X, Red is small and is 4X and blue is large which makes it 40X magnification) 
Stage - The stage is what is occupying your cell
Stage clip - The stage clip holds your cell in place so it doesn't move around while you look at it.
Light source - The light source is necessary so you can see the cell
Switch - The switch is to turn on the microscope
Base - The base is the bottom part of the microscope
Course knob - The course knobs allows you to move the stage up and down in big movements
Fine knob - The Fine knobs allows you to move the stage up and down in smaller movements

science post #1

In Science this term we first started off with Food and Digestion
This topic was basically relating to how the body works and the nutrients we need to stay alive and how they react with different foods <-- (Wasn't here for the experiment)

After that topic came Cell work our last topic of the term
For cells, we learnt about plant cells and animal cells and what is inside them and the difference of them.

Plant Cell - A plant cell has all the organelles, unlike the animal cell. The plant cell has a Large Vacuole a cell wall a cell membrane, Chloroplast and cytoplasm and lastly a nucleus

While an Animal cell has

Animal cell - A animal cell has a cell membrane a cytoplasm and a nucleus but no chloroplast, cell wall or large vacuole.
another difference between animal and plant cells is that plant cells are a square or rectangle shape and an animal cell can be any shape as unlike the plant cell the animal cell has bones which helps form its body.
The function of these organelles all have their purpose and what they are

Large Vacuole - The large vacuole is only found in the plant cell and its job is to store the food it collects within the large vacuole
Cell Wall -  The cell wall can be found in a plant cell, it helps structure the cell as a plant cell does not have bones unlike the anime cell
Cell Membrane - A cell wall within the cell of both animal and plant which allows some things in and out while it blocks other unnecessary things out.
Chloroplast - The Chloroplast can only be found in the plant cell and it absorbs the sunlight and uses that in conjunction with water and carbon dioxide gas to produce food for the plant
Cytoplasm - The Cytoplasm is the jelly-like liquid within the body of an animal and plant cell
Nucleus - A Nucleus is a form of a circle which holds the DNA of the creature or plant within it

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Sir Edmund Hillary (Social Studies)

In Social studies we started learning about money and its value, so we were given a task just like all our other topics, the one I picked was to pick one of the people of the New Zealand dollar Note and research how they made it to the dollar Note, I picked Sir Edmund Hillary on the $5 Note.
Here is my final result.

Classroom layout (Math)

This week we had just moved into our new classrooms, D, B, P and old T block shall be removed and with them being removed we have gained new classrooms altogether, we now have an R, M and new T block in our school.
Yesterday we had our first class of Math in T8, when our math class used to be in D4.
So since its a whole new building with a whole new layout, we were given a task to pick a layout of the class with the resources that we have.

So we started a design process.
find a new layout for the classroom with the resources we have

A classroom layout can be anything, it could be a row of tables in a line while the board and teachers desk is up the front or something else completely, though having a row of desks in a straight line seems boring and plain.
so I looked up some layouts of classrooms.

(Here are a few ideas)

Then after we came up with our design we had to come up with a few ideas for how we wanted the final layout to look.
the idea we came up with was this: 
The idea we were getting at was that when we were doing work we would be able to see the TV and the whiteboard at the same time instead of turning our body around to see the whiteboard or TV.
With 3 tables at the front on each side and a gap with 2 tables in the middle behind that are 4 tables on each side and the 2 tables on the sides will have 1 table in front of them and the 2 tables at the back are the High Tables.
Then next to the tables on the left will be the computers.
What we don't like about this design is that the people at the computers may not be able to see the whiteboard, but only be able to see the TV.

Our second idea has a small change.
What we like about our second idea is that its tidy and its spacious so there is room for everyone to move around easily, which helps a lot with walking in and out of the classroom. Even if it was a little change and we only changed the position of the whiteboard and the position of the TV.
What we didn't really like about this idea was that people would have to turn around completely if they would want to see the whiteboard (Computer people)
Where our first idea you didn't really need to turn much and the people at the tables could easily turn their head without hurting them neck to look at the whiteboard and TV whereas in this one people as the tables have to like turn their whole body to look at the TV...

So our final idea turned out just to be our first Idea
And to make it a lot better I wanna hear what you think about our design and if you think something should change?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Steak/Beef? sandwich

Last week for our practical on Thursday we made steak sandwichs but instead of steak we used beef, the bread was small buns with oats on them.

In my sandwich, I had mayo, Sauce, lettuce, beef (Chopped up) along with a bit of cheese

As always when we work in a kitchen in a group of 4 we must work together meaning we need to take turns doing something in the kitchen.
What I thought about our teamwork last week was good, we all got to do something, I grated some cheese, got the lettuce and dried some of the dishes and stuck the rest away.

The tasting of our food - I loved it, I don't really eat oated bread but I really enjoyed making and eating the sandwich as it had a different outcome I thought it would have.
For an instant, I couldn't really taste the oats which helped a lot and it also made the food better as I know even if I couldn't taste it I was still getting something good in me.

And overall I give the result of everything together including teamwork and food taste a 9

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Benefits and disadvantages of money (Social studies)

In Social studies yesterday we started a topic based on money, we got into either a pair or a group and stuck in a bubble what is money and gave our idea's of what we thought money was, after we did that we were given a task to complete which gave us 2 choices 1 was to create a mindmap and show us what money is, it's uses and how it's changed over time and the second option was to make a T Chart and give the benefits and disadvantages of money, I did option 2.

What did I learn about the benefits and Disadvantages of money?
Well For the benefits you can buy the stuff you really need, like Food, Clothes and BedWear and you also need it to pay for your rents.
And the disadvantages is that sometimes people will scam you for something you won't online for money, People will use lots of money on stuff they don't need leaving what they really need with no money meaning they'll have no money left to get what they really need as they used it for something else.
Money controls people it takes over people's lives, people think that all they need is money and that it can find happiness, I mean it makes you happy but not the right happy, the real happiness is finding your true love, money just makes you happy for a while but then it ends, like the true happiness love is lasting for more than the happiness you get form money.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

trigonometry layout

In Maths we're learning how to find the sides of Angels of a right angle triangle using trigonometry, And to use trigonometry right we had to use the right layout given to us.

Here is how to find the angels of a right-angle triangle and how to lay it out

Step (1) - Draw the diagram and label it.
Once you've finished your diagram move onto step (2)

Step (2) Lay (write) out what you're given
Write the HYP and OPP or if the 12 is in place of the ADJ then the OPP is the ADJ and you'd right it as HYP =  and ADJ =

Step (3) Write out your commentary on how you're going to solve it.
Once you've written your commentary move onto step (4)

Step (4)
Write it out (Press into your calculator what your Opp-Hyp or ADJ for me its 12 over 17 so I press in 12 divided by 17 to get my answer.
Step (4.5)
Then write out another commentary
(Couldn't get the photo in so I'll write out what I stuck)
Commentary - To change the decimal into a Degree we need to use Sin-1

Step (5)
Once you've written out your commentary you need to press shift on your calculator and press sin because it is a valid part of the process of finding out your answer, to find your answer all you need to do its press Shift then sin and put in what you got from your first try mine was 0.7 so I would press shift then sin to get sin-1 and then put in 0.7 and then enter to get my answer.

In the end it should look a bit like this.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Missing letter writing (English Matrix)

There once lived a mythical creature which took the form of a toad, This Mythical creature was able to wield a sword one that could rip into space and time itself. When you look at a Toad you see beauty but this wasn’t the real form of the toad, the real form of the toad was a unicorn. One whose main and tail was as shiny as a pastel pencil, and a coat which was as white as the snow that fell down from the sky on a cold afternoon.

Weekly goals (English)

So last week I wasn't at school on Monday or Tuesday but I was here the rest of the week which left me good enough time to get some Matrix done, I didn't manage to get 3 done, but I managed to get 2 done, by the end of the week.

This week I know what I'm going to do so It will much easier because last week I only did what I knew I could finish within the week.

so this week hopefully I can get 3 done so I can feel more accomplished in my work

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Video Game gone Rouge (English Matrix Task)

Questions we were given to answer for this task.

1. Who is the character?
2. Were they a good guy or a bad guy?
3. Where did they come from?
4. What happened?
5. How has it changed them?
6. Who is telling your story?

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Life after Technology (English Matrix writing task)

2046 30th November

It’s been 26 years since a mysterious acid had wiped out half of the earth. Along with half of the population also went the technology, This acid had an unknown effect on the technology deeming it useless.

Where I am… I don’t know anymore, everything has been covered in moss and the buildings no longer stand. Whatever this city was called before the acid struck is no more. We have to little food supply and there are hardly any shops left that contain food. All the food that was in the shops were melted by this acid, the remaining food we had were all foods that we had on us at the time when the Acid came. And besides, not many people want to eat anymore, the food is dry and tasteless that it barely has any filling to it anymore.

We have no idea what this monstrous thing is but it reacts like acid so it’s what we all begun to call it.

There is little medicine for the sick and because of that we’ve lost 20 people to this acid, there is not much we can do really. When someone gets sick we leave them behind knowing that there was nothing left to give them.

The air is polluted its toxic to the human lungs leaving us wearing masks 24/7, This mask covers our face and nose leaving the sense of smell useless now, many people have not been able to hold the pressure of living like this and had rid themselves of this world. And If anyone wanted to touch something gloves must always be worn, everything you touch is toxic just like the air.

We learnt that the hard way. The only way to touch something is to wear these special gloves that only so many people managed to get from the government when the acid had first struck.

Somedays I would hope to wake up to hear birds singing and chirping but no living animal has been seen or heard since the disaster had struck earth.

All living life had been destroyed. Earth is no longer the paradise we all hoped for. There is no sitting around anymore and being lazy, its either continue to walk on this path of life or die as this acid is always moving and NEVER stops.

No one is safe anymore.

Spaghetti + Meatballs

Last week on Thursday I was finally present and got to make food with everyone else.
Last week we made Meatballs with Spaghetti.

Our sources were already ready for us which was great as we only had limited time to do everything before period 4 ended.

Our teamwork overall was great, Everyone did something, I did the drying of the dishes and I also helped roll up the meatballs before they were stuck in the oven for cooking, What I liked about our teamwork was that there was always someone free to go over if the teacher asked for one person from a group to come over to her so she could show us what to do next.

For serving our food we were given small white bowls.

-Food taste-

Overall I was pleased with the food because even if it had stuff in it I probably wouldn't stick in Spaghetti it still tasted amazing. the meatballs were something new for me as the normal meatballs I would have would just be meat, while the foods we made had meat and bread and pretty sure something else but I forgot.

I was very happy with the result.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Creative Writing MATRIX Task (English)

Read this creative writing at your own Consent.
For those who have a dislike for dark/horror stuff please keep scrolling
This is only Part 1 of the story UwU

In a dark room sat a child as a metal door opened and in walked into the room was a young man to be the age of only 17, his hair was a pure white with the most vibrant yellow eyes ever, but those yellow eyes would forever haunt the soul of this child.
For so many things have been done to this child to damage him to the point of breaking.
This Child used to have the purest looking brown hair but now it sticks to his dirty skin as dried blood remains intact with it along with all the damage inflicted on him.

“Subject S4” The young man said as the child had looked up slowly at the grinning man, The child shakily got up as he walked out the door of his cell before walking into another room with a metal table and table with tools on a tray, The boy sat on the table like he knew exactly what to do… and he did, he knew everything about this place. What to do and what not to do. He knew if he disobeyed he would end up like the last kid, who died of starvation from disobeying a rule.

Plus he was important to these people. But that's what they told him, They said that he was special because he could wield a weapon that not many could. He didn’t understand what was so special about it, And they wouldn’t tell him why it was special either or why he was special, They said that he would know in due time… But that time… It never came, he still doesn’t understand anything about this big key which was his supposed weapon.

The boy laid on the table as he was strapped to it…”We’ll be injecting you with this new serum that was given to us, we don’t know the end results but we hope for the best” The man said as he looked at the child before injecting into his weak body.
Since this was a new Serum he should have felt pain like all the others… But nothing came, he waited a minute before he felt a stabbing pain that hit him like a thousand needles, it felt like his insides were being torn apart like someone had ripped open his stomach and pulled them out piece by piece and to make it worse it was slow and painful.

Throughout that day the only thing that was heard was the screams and cries of a poor helpless child who never had a childhood or a family to call his own. But a life that only gave him pain and immense agony. This never-ending pain never stopped day and night, and sometimes he wished that someone would save him… But no one came because no one outside of the building knew he existed, He was taken to this cruel place right after he was born. This hellhole was his home it was the place he would be raised and the place he would be hurt.

And just because of a simple weapon that was different from all the others.

-10 years later-

“W-WAIT UP AQUA” Screamed a boy with spiky blond hair with eyes that looked like the sky and ocean combined together, up ahead this boy was a tall woman who was proclaimed to be named Aqua she was tall and had short blue hair with blue eyes also. They may have blue eyes but these two were not related, more of like she was a mother figure or a sister figure to this boy “HURRY UP VEN, YEN SID NEEDS US IN HIS OFFICE NOW” Screamed the women as she ran up a huge flight of never-ending stairs “IT’S NOT MY FAULT THERE ARE SO MANY DOORS AND STAIRS” The boy yelled with a heaving pant.

“IF YOU HADN’T GONE TO SLEEP AT 12:00 IN THE MORNING AND WENT TO SLEEP AT 8 THEN THIS WOULDN’T OF HAPPENED” Aqua had yelled up from ahead as she was on the last layer of stairs before stopping to a familiar door. A second later came the panting boy as Aqua opened the door and walked in along with Ventus behind her as he shut the door before facing a desk that an old man with a long beard sat at.

“Your late,” He said in a calm voice “I know I’m sorry Master Yen Sid, Ventus woke up late” Aqua replied as he ruffled Ventus’s hair The old man sighed as he gave a nod.
“Next time come here on time please” The old man said as the two nodded “Now straight to the point, I have a task for you two to carry out, and you’ll bring Roxas along with you” Yen Sid said as the two gave a slow nod “I got a message from Mickey saying about Org XIII” Yen Sid said as the two instantly looked up from the ground to look at the Master “What about them?” Aqua asked “Apparently a couple of days ago Mickey had found a facility owned by Xehanort's clones and heartless which did experiments on children and teenagers “ Experiments… I knew he was crazy to form the X-Blade to rewrite the whole world's History and start everything from scratch but experimenting on children is going way too far” Aqua said as Ventus gave a sad nod “We’ll help” Ventus said as Yen Sid looked at them “I knew you would… Now off you go and grab Roxas before you leave” Yen Sid said shooing them off “He should have the coordinates for this facility” Yen sid said calmly as the two gave a nod before leaving.

-In the kitchen-

“Your here” Replied a boy who looked exactly the same as Ventus. Now the thing is, these two are not the same person nor are they related by blood or even related at all, to begin with.

“Well let's go we can’t keep sitting around here well those ageing clones of Xehanort torture children,” Roxas said in a grim voice before getting up and leaving the building with Aqua and Ventus behind him.

-In front of the facility-

“Well I can see why most people who were looking for it couldn’t find it” Roxas said as he looked at the building “It looks like a normal 2 story building...nothing out of the original from the outside, but on the inside I can bet its a nightmare” Roxas said as he summoned his 2 keyblades, “Well let's get going, lets rescue some kids” 

As soon as the three found a way inside the facility they stayed behind walls that had no cameras to single their arrival, As they got closers they came towards a metal door behind it you could hear children softly talking “This is it” Aqua murmured to the two as they nodded, Roxas pick locked the door as it opened and the three raced in and began opening the cell doors for the children.

Aqua had led them outside to a safe place while Roxas and Ventus opened the cell doors “All done” Ventus said with a sigh as he turned to face Roxas “You coming Roxas?” Ventus asked “Something doesn’t feel right, it doesn’t feel like it all of them… Like there is one more child… But it's hidden from the rest of the children” Roxas said as he held a hand over his heart “My heart is telling me there is” He said as he looked a Ventus “Well let's have a deeper look” Ventus said as they continued their search going through many halls and doors.

As Ventus and Roxas were walking down the halls Ventus grabbed by the arm and Stuck his hand over his mouth as they hid behind a wall “Shhh” Ventus whispered as they heard two footsteps “How’s subject S4 coming along” A voice said “Good, everything with the new serum went according to plan” Another voice said as the footsteps got closer “Good, I expect him to be ready soon” The first voice said as the footsteps grew distant meaning that they obviously walked down the nearest hall to them.

“See” See Roxas as Ventus nodded at him, “They came from this way, if they came from this way then the kid might also be this way,” Ventus said as Roxas dragged along behind him.

-minutes of twists and turns-

“Last door” Said Ventus as he turned the knob “Its unlocked” Ventus said as he slowly opened the door to see a table with a tray full of tools and then a table which held a contained teenager strapped to the table, “H-He looks horrible” Ventus said in shock as Roxas walked up to the kid “He’s unconscious” Roxas said softly as he began to unstrap the teenager, after unstrapping the teen Roxas picked him up slowly “He’s light…” Roxas mumbled “Very light, He shouldn’t be this light,” Roxas said with a hint of worry behind the words “We can see what's wrong with him once we get back to the tower. Right now we need to get back to Aqua so Vanitas can teleport us back since I can feel him near” Ventus said as Roxas nodded as the two began their journey to the outside of the facility.


“Took you long enough” A grim voice said as Ventus sighed “Sorry Vanitas we had to save their special subject that was hidden away from the rest of the kids” Ventus said as Aqua and Vanitas looked past Ventus to look at the boy in Roxas's arms “He was strapped to a table when we found him” Roxas said as Aqua gave a sad look.

“We heard two voices, they were talking about a new serum… But we don’t know what it does” Ventus said as Aqua gave a short stare at the boy “Well let's get going,” Vanitas said as he opened a portal back to the tower.


“WE'RE BACK” Vanitas yelled “Vanitas you don’t need to yell, “Ventus said in a yelling whisper voice “Well where’s the fun in that” Vanitas said as he walked away before stopping “Oh… and tell me what happens to the kid after he wakes up” Vanitas said before walking out of the room to go somewhere else “Didn’t think Vanitas cared” Roxas said as he walked to the infirmary.

-Yen Sid office-

“Your Back” Yen Sid said as he looked at Ventus and Aqua “Where’s Roxas?” Yen Sid asked “Thats the thing… We happen to come across someone who was separated from the other kids, we also heard some staff talking about a new serum, the kid sounded special… When we found him, we found him strapped to a metal table. He looked horrible so Roxas had brought him here, he’s in the infirmary right now” Ventus said in a sad but low voice.

“This boy what does he look like?” Yen Sid asked “Well he kinda looks like Vanitas but he has brown hair… But it's covered with dirt and blood, he’s also covered in scars and bruises, it doesn’t even look like he's ever had a shower his entire life” Aqua said as she gave a sad sigh.

“He’s not conscious now so he’s no harm if that's what you're wondering Master,” Ventus said as Yen Sid nodded.

“I’ll take a look into this child and see if I can find any files on him” Yen Sid said as Ventus and Aqua nodded “Now off you go” Yen Sid said to the two keybladers as they gave a nod before leaving him alone in his office to overthink the report he was given.


Roxas sat quietly next to the boy as he held his hand over his hear… Why does this boy feel so familiar to me, why does it hurt me knowing he’s looking like this. Do I know him, If I do… Where do I know him from? I want to know as Roxas thought to himself he was interrupted by a loud creaking door, Roxas turned his head towards the door to see Aqua and Ventus walk-in “How is he” Ventus asked “Still asleep” Roxas said as he looked at the sleeping Teen “When do you think he’ll wake up “Roxas said trying not to sound worried but was betrayed by his own voice “I think either tomorrow or in 5 or 4 hours” Aqua said as she gave a small smile to Roxas “Don’t Worry Roxas he’ll Wake up. Now if you excuse me I need to go wake up Terra” Aqua said as she gave a nod to the two before leaving.

“How are you feeling?” Ventus asked as he looked at Roxas before looking at the unknown teen “I don’t know, When I look at him my heart begins to hurt… he seems so familiar but I’ve never seen him in my entire life or I’m pretty sure I haven't, he just seems so familiar that it hurts me seeing him like this” Roxas said as he looked towards Ventus.

“Who is he to me Ventus,” Roxas said as he gave a worried look
“I-I Don’t know Roxas”